AKG会員になると毎月 "Rainbow Goals" 共有の特典が付きます。
"Rainbow Goals"とは、お子さんの成長記録のことです。AKGが独自に開発し、保育指針として使用している【主体性・創造力・尊重する心】を大切する指針は、お子さんの豊かな成長を願う保護者の方にとって、非常に魅力的な特典ではないでしょうか。
"Rainbow Goal" は、スタッフがどのような視点で子どもたち一人ひとりの成長を支援していくのかについての指針が示されています。主体性、創造性、自分や周りの人を尊重する心、コミュニケーション力など、多面的に子どもたちの成長を見られるように工夫されています 。
・Personal (自分の身の回りのこと)
・Social (お友だちとのやりとりなど社交性)
・Emotional (感情・精神面)
・Cognitive skills (知的面・考える力)
CL: Communication and Language (English/Japanese)(コミュニケーション力・意思疎通する力・英語力)
PD: Physical Development and strength(体力・身体的発達)
?なぜ Rainbow?
♪Discover AKG Rainbow Goals♪
AKG Membership for the Sept-Dec term is now open!
One of the benefits of joining AKG membership is our unique monthly "Rainbow Goals" tailored to your child's development journey.
Our "Rainbow Goals," developed by AKG, serve as the guiding map for our staff to support each child's growth effectively. We prioritize motivation, creativity, and respect while focusing on individual progress rather than average standards.
Here's what we observe in your child's journey:
PSEC: Personal, Social, Emotional, and Cognitive skills. CL: Communication and Language (English/Japanese). PD: Physical Development and strength.
Why "Rainbow"?
"Rainbow" at AKG means we don't evaluate with scores or levels. Instead, we embrace the "colors" of individuality, recognizing and supporting each child's unique strengths and weaknesses. Together, we'll nurture their growth!
When you join our AKG membership, we'll share monthly summaries of your child's current goals and our staff's conscious efforts to help their progress. Let's support their journey together!
= = = AKGと繋がろう! = = =