Climbing Trees! [English below]
天候によって変化する木々。季節の変化、天候による変化、毎日の変化。だからこそ、英語を使う機会もたくさん !雨が降ってると滑りやすいね "It's raining, the tree is slippery!" 暑い夏の日は "It's hot today, the tree is dry!" 冬の寒い日は木も冷たいね "It's so cold today, the tree feels cold, too."
晴れの時は簡単に登れた木も、雨が降ってると感じが違う... "It's hard to climb because of the rain!"
葉っぱがない冬の晴れ日には "It's so sunny, I can see the sun through the leaves!"
お友だちと登るのは、楽しいけど、お互い踏んだり、一つの枝に体重をかけすぎたりしないようにしないとね。"Don't step here, my hand is here!" ここに私の手があるから踏まないで! "Can you go that way? I want to go left." そっちに移動してくれない? チームワークが鍛えられる木登りです。
登るだけではない、いろんな楽しみを見つける子どもたち! "Can I balance?" バランス! "The branch bends when I stand on it!" 体重のかけ方を実験!
思いっきり挑戦!同時にいろんな想像の世界を楽しむ子も。 "I am an acrobat in the circus!" サーカスで綱渡りの気分? "Do you want to join my pirate crew?" 海賊船だよ〜 消防士さんになってる子も!?
Come to AKG and enjoy the trees!
Climbing trees!
The same tree feels different in different weather! This means we can use lots of English when we climb! "It's raining, the tree is slippy!" "It's hot today, the tree is dry!" "It's so cold today! The tree feels cold, too!" "It's hard to climb because of the rain!" "It's so sunny, I can see the sun through the leaves!"
If we want to climb the tree together we have to think about where to climb and where to put our hands and feet. "Hold this branch!" "Don't step here, my hand is here!" "Can you go that way? I want to go left!"
Once I have climbed the tree, I can find more challenges! "Can I balance?" "This branch bends when I stand on it!" "I want to stretch to the other tree!"
Engaging in nature and using your body is a lot of fun! Is it really a tree? Sometimes it's something else! "I am an acrobat in the circus! I can balance on the tightrope!" "Do you want to join my pirate crew? Climb up on my pirate ship!" "Look! It's a ladder! I need to climb it to fight the fire in the tower!"
Come to AKG and climb a tree!
= = = AKGと繋がろう! = = =