🗣️ "Red, yellow, blue, white!"
🙌 "Let’s go to the mountain!"
🌟 "I like mango!"
子どもたちになってほしいですね 🌍

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🌟 Fun with English at AKG 🌟
No matter their English level, our children are always motivated to speak in English and try out a few words with our international staff 🌈
Here are some heartwarming examples of English moments:
🎬 Episodes of AKG children 🎬
🗣️ "Red Yellow Blue White" (a 2-year-old who had been spending a long time crying for mom... now enjoying making crafts with Gigi, our English staff!)
🙌 "let’s go to the mountain" (a first time participant who was shying away from English... she saw the mountain and got too excited she forgot to be scared of English!)
🌟 "I like mango!" (a 5-year-old who was scared of speaking English words for fear of getting it "wrong" - now talking animatedly at lunch!)
We're so proud of our little English learners, not only for their amazing progress, but because they're
❤️using English to have fun🌳
💕and make connections with staff and with each other💞
Here we see the generation of confident global communicators 🌍💪
= = = AKGと繋がろう! = = =