毎月エミリーが手作りしている「An AKG story」絵本シリーズ。もう20冊近くなる絵本について、その思いや今月の絵本の紹介をエミリーが語ってくれています!
良い気持ちもマイナスの気持ちも入っています。子どもはいろんな「気持ち」を理解しようとしている段階。「I don't like to dance or run」のように「やりたくない」の気持ちもOK!と伝えたいの。でも、その代わりになるポジティブな気持ち ("I really like to sing") もセットになっているから、気持ちが明るくなるんだよ、と言うメッセージも伝えたいの。
実は、ストーリーには深い意味も込めているの。魚が腕の骨を見つけたり、蛇が足の骨を見つけたり... キャラクター達はそれぞれ自分にない部位の骨を見つけて「足があるから足踏みできる!」のように喜ぶんだけど、その骨をジェームズに返した後も、「一緒に足踏みしようよ!」とジェームズが誘ってくれる。例え特性が違っていても、同じ行動を、それぞれの方法で楽しめるんだよ!
Every month we have an original AKG story, written and illustrated by me, Emily! I want to tell you about this story, and how it can help children to learn English and more!
Vocabulary- Each book contains all of the vocabulary for that month. This helps children to see the words in a context, and can increase understanding and interest in English words!
Phrases- You can also find the phrases for each month in the story. Seeing the characters use these phrases with each other can help children to feel more confident about using those phrases themselves!
Funny- I try to make each story funny and interesting! Using words and pictures, I hope to help children find fun in learning another language and make them laugh!
Negatives and Positives- It can be difficult to learn about negative emotions and actions in a fun way. In AKG stories, I want to show children that it is ok to have negative feelings, and give them the language and understanding to express that themselves! In this story, James the skeleton says "I don't like to dance or run... I really like to sing!" This is an example of one way to express negative thoughts in a healthy way, and find something positive to balance it!
Morals- This story has a moral, a hidden lesson in it. All of these creatures say that now they found a bone they did not have before, they can do something new! James the skeleton invites them to join him even after they give the bone to him. Even if the fish does not have an arm bone, James would like to dance with her. Even though the snake does not have a foot bone, he asks James to stomp with him. The meaning is that we are all different, but we can all try our best and have fun with each other.
I hope you enjoy this story!
= = = AKGと繋がろう! = = =